Job Ready

Recruitment in Darlington and the North East

Home Registration

Job Ready – Candidate Application Form

Equal Opportunities

Job Ready is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all work seekers and shall adhere to such a policy at all times and will review on an on-going basis on all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination. We will treat everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, age, disability, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, political beliefs or membership or non-membership of a trade union and we place an obligation upon all staff to respect and act in accordance with the policy. Job Ready shall not discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate/temporary worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment, or in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary workers. Job Ready will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate’s merits, qualification and ability to perform the relevant duties required by the particular vacancy.

Date of Birth

National Insurance Number

Right to Work in the UK

Do you have immigration permission to work in the UK? In line with Home Office guidance on the prevention of illegal working we will need to verify and take a copy of your original ID documentation as evidence of your right to work in the UK if you are to be engaged by Job Ready for temporary work.


Bank Details

(We don’t accept any bank details that are not in your name, you will not be able to commence an assignment until we have this information)

Worker Details

Next of Kin

Work History

(please include as much information as possible)

First Reference:

Second Reference:


Job Ready have multiple clients, all with different demands. Please detail your availability to work below;

Criminal Record Disclosure

We are asking you to complete this form in relation to job roles which are not exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (2013 and 2020). For this reason you are only required to disclose information about unspent convictions. You are not required to disclose spent convictions on this form. Additionally, you are not required to declare any information about ‘protected’ offences – (offences to which the filtering rules apply). If you are unsure as to whether a conviction is unspent/spent or protected (filtered) please see the additional guidance at you can contact organisations such as or for further information If you wish to be put forward for/if any role is identified which may be suitable for you but which is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (2013 and 2020), meaning that you are required to disclose spent convictions, we will ask you to complete an additional criminal disclosure form. You are not required to complete that additional form if you do not wish to be put forward for that type of work.
If you have declared any convictions, you are welcome to provide us with any additional information that you think may be relevant and which will help us to determine your suitability to be put forward for roles with our clients. This could include for example information about the circumstances of the offence, any work (paid or voluntary) or training that you have undertaken since, change in your circumstances etc. We will seek to put forward/supply the best possible candidates to our clients. Having a criminal conviction will not necessarily exclude you from the process. The information given will be treated in the strictest of confidence and only taken into account where, in our reasonable opinion, the offence is relevant to the post to which you are applying. Failure to declare a conviction may require us to exclude you from our register if the offence is not declared but later comes to light. If you are working in an assignment with a client at the time that we are made aware of a conviction that have not disclosed to us, we may be legally required to inform our client of that information and your assignment may be terminated.

Qualifications and Authorisations

Insert details of any professional qualifications required or authorisations required to work – these will differ according to sector e.g.:

Workwear and PPE

As part of your assignment with Job Ready you will be given Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in order to perform your duties safely and in accordance with health and safety legislation. As a minimum all safety footwear must: · Be of a minimum or equivalent safety standard to EN: ISO 20345:2007 · Provide ankle protection and; · Provide toe protection Workwear and PPE must be returned when you leave or finish your assignment. Failure to return equipment will result in you being charged for the items provided to you. This will also include swipe cards and locker keys if you are issued with them.

Health and Safety at Work

I agree to familiarise and comply with any Health & Safety at work procedures currently in force within Job Ready clients to which I am assigned. I understand my responsibility to inform you of any injury, accident or near miss occurred immediately. Failure to do so could lead to disciplinary procedure and possible legal action taken against me.

General Code of Conduct:

● I agree to carry out my daily tasks to the best of my ability and will endeavour to be polite and enthusiastic in whatever task I am asked to do.

● If I have any issues at work I will speak to a Job Ready representative first and will not leave site without permission or without trying to resolve any issues first.

● I will endeavour to arrive to work suitably dressed and presentable and will ensure that I have with me at all times the correct PPE (safety boots & vest).

● I will arrive for work on time and promise to report Job Ready if for any reason I am running late for work.

● If I am unable to attend work and I have a valid reason for not attending then I promise to call Job Ready giving at least 2 hours’ notice before the start of my shift. I understand that if I do not follow these procedures then it may result in disciplinary action being taken.

● If I have any appointments to attend or have some personal things I need to do, I will carry these out in my own time and will not take time off work to do this unless I have booked a day off in advance.

● I understand the hours of work and have agreed to work these hours because I know I can get there.

● I am happy with the kind of work being offered to me by Job Ready.

Health and Disability

We want to ensure that we provide work finding services to all work seekers fairly and equally.
If a permanent role or temporary assignment requires an intrinsic function to be completed, we will discuss your ability to undertake this function after you have been successfully registered with the Agency. * Intrinsic means if that particular task could not be performed the job could not be carried out.

Further Medical Questions

Job Ready has a large variety of clients with varying job roles, expectations and requirements. Listed below are medical questions which let Job Ready communicate with clients and provide any reasonable adjustments to the job role to prevent health risks to workers where possible.

Data Protection Statement

Job Ready provides work-finding services to its clients and work-seekers. We must process personal data (including sensitive personal data) so that we can provide these services – in doing so, we act as a data controller. This is why we have asked for your personal data on this form. When we process your personal data we must do so in accordance with data protection laws. Those laws require us to give you a Privacy Statement to explain how we manage your personal data. Please see the Privacy Statement which you will find further in this registration pack.

GDPR Data Sharing Consent Form:

Job Ready may disclose your personal data to a third party for the following reason: Processing wages Investigating complaints Reasonable adjustments Auditing Reporting Insurance Agreements & Claims Program evaluation For the same purpose, Job Ready may provide this information about you to the: Client / Neutral Vendor Payroll Department HR Department Police Home Office HMRC Insurance Broker, A Job Ready Contractor or Consultant For more information, please view our Privacy Notice below. You may request access to your information at any time, to access or update your personal information, or for more information on our confidentiality policy, ask to speak to our HR Department on the following; I hereby consent for my details to be disclosed to third parties for the reasons stated above:

Annex A – Data Protection Privacy Statement

In this Annex we explain how Job Ready manages your personal data.

Collection and use of personal data

Purpose of processing and legal basis

Job Ready will collect your personal data (which may include sensitive personal data) and will process your personal data for the purposes of providing you with work-finding services. This includes for example, contacting you about job opportunities, assessing your suitability for those opportunities, updating our databases, putting you forward for job opportunities, arranging payments to you and developing and managing our services and relationship with you and our clients. In some cases, we may be required to use your data for the purpose of investigating, reporting and detecting crime and also to comply with laws that apply to us. We may also use your information during the course of internal audits to demonstrate our compliance with certain industry standards. The legal bases we rely upon to offer these services to you are:

● Your consent

● Where we have a legitimate interest

● To comply with a legal obligation that we have

● To fulfil a contractual obligation that we have with you

Legitimate interest

This is where Job Ready has a legitimate reason to process your data provided it is reasonable and does not go against what you would reasonably expect from us. Where Job Ready has relied on a legitimate interest to process your personal data our legitimate interests is/are as follows:

● Client requests CV

● Client requests copies of relevant certification to complete assignment

● Sharing contact details to Umbrella Company for payment setup

● Client request for Medical or conviction information

Recipient/s of data

Job Ready will process your personal data and/or sensitive personal data with the relevant payroll company and the specified client Your information may be shared internally, including with members of the HR and recruitment team including payroll, your line manager, managers in the business area in which you work and IT staff if access to the data is necessary for performance of their roles. The organisation shares your data with third parties in order to obtain pre-employment references from other employers, obtain employment background checks from third-party providers and obtain necessary criminal records checks from the Disclosure and Barring Service. The organisation may also share your data with third parties in the context of a sale of some or all of its business. In those circumstances the data will be subject to confidentiality arrangements. The organisation may also share your personal data with third parties outside of the organisation where contractual obligations require us to do so. For example, with the end user and other agencies supplying the end user. We will only collect information about criminal convictions if it is appropriate given the nature of the role and where we are legally able to do so. We will keep you informed of this retention and will request your consent in advance. The organisation also shares your data with third parties that process data on its behalf, in connection with payroll, the provision of benefits and the provision of occupational health services. For the purpose of payroll and scheduling, the business may also work alongside a Neutral Vendor which provide services to our end client. They store information on their internal system to which the organisation and the Neutral Vendor have access to.

Statutory/contractual requirement

Your personal data is required by law and/or a contractual requirement (e.g. our client may require this personal data), and/or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract. You are obliged to provide the personal data.

Overseas Transfers

Job Ready will not transfer the information you provide to us to countries outside the European Economic Area (‘EEA’) for the purposes of providing you with work-finding services. The EEA comprises the EU member states plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.

Data retention

Job Ready will retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purpose we collect it. Different laws may also require us to keep different data for different periods of time. The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 require us to keep work-seeker records for at least one year from (a) the date of their creation or (b) after the date on which we last provide you with work-finding services. We must also keep your payroll records, holiday pay, sick pay and pensions auto-enrolment records for as long as is legally required by HMRC and associated national minimum wage, social security and tax legislation. Where Job Ready has obtained your consent to process your personal/ sensitive personal data, we will do so in line with our retention policy. Upon expiry of that period Job Ready will seek further consent from you. Where consent is not granted Job Ready will cease to process your personal data/sensitive personal data.

Your rights

Please be aware that you have the following data protection rights:

● The right to be informed about the personal data Job Ready processes on you;

● The right of access to the personal data Job Ready processes on you;

● The right to rectification of your personal data;

● The right to erasure of your personal data in certain circumstances;

● The right to restrict processing of your personal data;

● The right to data portability in certain circumstances;

● The right to object to the processing of your personal data that was based on a public or legitimate interest;

● The right not to be subjected to automated decision making and profiling; and

● The right to withdraw consent at any time.


Where you have consented to Job Ready processing your personal data/sensitive personal data you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the company director There may be circumstances where Job Ready will still need to process your data for legal or official reasons. We will inform you if this is the case. Where this is the case, we will restrict the data to only what is necessary for the purpose of meeting those specific reasons. If you believe that any of your data that Job Ready processes is incorrect or incomplete, please contact us using the details above and we will take reasonable steps to check its accuracy and correct it where necessary. You can also contact us using the above details if you want us to restrict the type or amount of data we process for you, access your personal data or exercise any of the other rights listed above.

Automated decision-making

Job Ready will provide meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for the individual.

Complaints or queries

If you wish to complain about this privacy notice or any of the procedures set out in it please contact: You also have the right to raise concerns with Information Commissioner’s Office on 0303 123 1113 or at, or any other relevant supervisory authority should your personal data be processed outside of the UK, if you believe that your data protection rights have not been adhered to. If, during the course of a temporary assignment, the Client wishes to employ me direct, I acknowledge that Job Ready will be entitled either to charge the client an introduction/transfer fee, or to agree an extension of the hiring period with the Client (after which I may be employed by the Client without further charge being applicable to the Client).



1.1. In this Agreement the following definitions apply:

" Agency Worker " means Worker Name

" Assignment " means the period during which the Agency Worker is supplied to provide services to the Client;

" Client " means the person, firm or corporate body using the services of the Agency Worker;

" Employment Business " means Job Ready (registered company number 11015021) Faverdale, Darlington, DL30PP

" Worker Week " means an average of 48 hours each week calculated over a 17-week reference period.

1.2. References to the singular include the plural and references to the masculine include the feminine and vice versa.

1.3. The headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and do not affect their interpretation.


The Working Time Regulations 1998 (as amended) provide that the Agency Worker shall not work on an Assignment with the Client in excess of the Working Week unless s/he agrees in writing that this limit should not apply.


The Agency Worker hereby agrees that the Working Week limit shall not apply to the Assignment.


4.1. The Agency Worker may end this Agreement by giving the Employment Business 1 weeks’ notice in writing.

4.2. For the avoidance of doubt, any notice bringing this Agreement to an end shall not be construed as termination by the Agency Worker of an Assignment with a Client.

4.3. Upon the expiry of the notice period set out in clause 4.1 the Working Week limit shall apply with immediate effect.


This Agreement is governed by the law of England & Wales and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales

Key Information Document

This document sets out key information about your relationship with us, including details about pay, holiday entitlement and other benefits. Further information can be found at Job Ready The Employment Agency Standards (EAS) Inspectorate is the government authority responsible for the enforcement of certain agency worker rights. You can raise a concern with them directly on 020 7215 5000 or through the Acas helpline on 0300 123 1100, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Name of Employment Business:

Job Ready – Faverdale, Darlington, DL3 0PP 01325633298

Type of contract you will be engaged under:

Contract for Services

How often will you be paid:

Paid into your nominated bank account, on a Friday, weekly in arrears

Expected or Minimum rate of Pay

The minimum rate of pay that you will be paid, will be inline with the National Minimum Wage in effect at the time of work. You can find further information through the following link –

Deductions from your pay required by law:

Tax & National Insurance & pension Contributions

Holiday entitlement and pay:

28 days per annum including bank holidays

Uploading Required Documents

Please sign below to agree that you have read and understood each aspect of the form and filled it out to the best of your knowledge.